The Future of Insurance: Climate Change 2022 Webinar Series
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Topic Facing Risk Reality: Evolution of Reinsurance in a Changing Climate
Join AXIS Capital and Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois for a webinar series on climate change and the insurance industry. To register, you must have a Zoom account.
Insured losses from natural disasters are increasing, and (re)insurers are responding to this reality. Insurance focuses on managing risk and its financial consequences yet increasing uncertainty with climate volatility makes that a challenge. Increasing climate risk presents a less predictable future – one that requires insight, innovation, and creative solutions to help organizations build resiliency. This webinar will discuss the climate risk landscape and approaches that can help organizations effectively transfer the risk and manage it.
Moderated by Lynne McChristian, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois, with panelists Roman Romeo, Head of Property Bermuda, North America, AXIS Re; Randy Fuller, Managing Director, Guy Carpenter; and Armin Tabandeh, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois.
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